Sunday, September 9, 2012

South Bend and Mishawaka, Indiana; September 9, 2012

8/30/2012 By 1st Lt. Dominic Pitrone

Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Afghanistan

Sgt. Bruce Weidenhammer, a Flushing, Mich., native and marksmanship instructor from Special-Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force Africa works with a member of the Djiboutian Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale during a combat marksmanship training event, August 30, 2012. The Marines and sailors of Special-Purpose MAGTF Africa are in Djibouti training with the Djiboutian Groupe d'Intervention de la Gendarmerie Nationale to build on close quarters combat, medical, and sniper skills. Special-Purpose MAGTF Africa is made up of over 120 Reserve Marines and sailors from 32 different units. The Special-Purpose MAGTF supports U.S. Africa Command and Marine Forces Africa by conducting Department of State sponsored security cooperation missions in the continent of Africa.

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