Sunday, July 15, 2012

South Bend and Mishawaka, Indiana; July 15, 2012

7/12/2012 By Sgt. Tatum Vayavananda

Marine Forces Africa

Lance Corporals Chris C. Holloway and Dominic D. Walicki, and Pfc. Kenneth T. Martin, assistant crowd control instructors with 3rd Battalion, 25th Marine Regiment, simulate a riot for the Burkina Faso partners they are training with during Exercise Western Accord 2012. The crowd control training taught the basics of baton work, use of shields, forming a shield line, keeping rhythm in the line, and the deployment of snatch teams that are used to acquire and detain high-value individuals, such as a riot leader. Exercise Western Accord 2012 is a multi-lateral training exercise with West African nations to increase understanding and interoperability, prevent conflict by enabling Africans to provide for their security and stability, strengthen relationships with partner nations, and promote and support U.S. national security priorities. Participating African nations include Senegal, Burkina Faso, Guinea, and Gambia.

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